“Wake-Up Calls” is a fictional, romantic adventure promoting teenage responsibility. It encourages young women to trust their intuition. This angle focuses on empowering women and educating women at a young age to trust themselves. The message is also for young men.
The story encourages readers to avoid stereotypes, stand up for themselves and not follow what is popular simply for popularities sake.
Blueink Review wrote: “Wake-Up Calls” tackles heavy topics but treats them sensitively; the content never becomes too much for a young teenager or older preteen. The novel should appeal to young readers curious about dating and growing up but interested in a realistic story with complex characters.
The following is sample from “Wake-Up Calls” in which Krista, the main character, is sailing with the sometimes reckless Jeff.
Jeff knows I’m not a seasoned sailor, and I’m momentarily annoyed by his yelling at me. However, it was my fault. I’d forgotten to release the jib. When I’m with Jeff, I have to be on guard. Marcie’s right; someday someone in Jeff’s company is going to get hurt.
Following is a scene with Krista and Mario, the son of the owner of Watson’s Flowers where they both work.
Mario raises his eyebrows. “Jeff’s out for a good time; don’t kid yourself. He’ll always save himself, but can he save you?”
I would like my readers to be able to identify with my characters. No one is perfect, nor are my characters. Hopefully, without realizing it, my reader will think about a situation one of my characters has been in, and learn or at least ask questions. We all have insecurities, as do my characters and my readers. That’s life…and it okay.
I want my readers to feel they’ve learned about having a sense of direction and self-reliance.
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